Review Request JDK-8192945: Need stable sort for MODULES entry in the release file

Andrej Golovnin andrej.golovnin at
Thu Dec 7 09:22:49 UTC 2017

Hi Mandy,

it looks good. Thanks!

@Claes when you would like to improve the performance of jlink a
little bit more, then take look at the method #entryToFileName in the
class DefaultImageBuilder lines 358-359:

        String module = "/" + entry.moduleName() + "/";
        String filename = entry.path().substring(module.length());

The value of 'module' is not used after the second line. ;-)

And you can also try to use a parallel stream in the method
#storeFiles in the same class by adding


after the line 169. I have not tested it but I think it should work.

What you can also try is to increase the size of the buffer used in
Files#copy(InputStream, OutputStream) or you change the implementation
of the Files class to use the new method
InputStream#transferTo(OutputStream) and increase the size of the
buffer in InputStream. In my opinion 8kb is to small. 16kb or even
32kb would be much better.

Best regards,
Andrej Golovnin

On Wed, Dec 6, 2017 at 6:50 PM, mandy chung <mandy.chung at> wrote:
> Okay this is a better version (traversing the graph keyset directly):
> Mandy

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