Resolution exception when service interface gets exposed via --add-exports

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Wed Dec 13 14:00:13 UTC 2017

On 12/12/2017 20:42, Gunnar Morling wrote:
> Finally got to write about my explorations of the jlink plug-in API: 
> I found the API good to work with overall, implementing my use case 
> (adding an annotation index for given modules) was straight-forward.
Thanks for the forwarding the link to the blog. It's not clear to me why 
the jlink wrapper is needed, I would expect `jlink 
-J-javaagent:agent.jar` should work.

For the use-case then another approach would be create/replace the index 
when creating or updating a modular JAR with the `jar` tool. That would 
help for the case that the module is on the module path (in addition to 
helping the case where the module is linked into the run-time image).

> One useful change could be to split up 
> ResourcePoolEntry$Type#CLASS_OR_RESOURCE into two separate enum 
> members. I think it's a common requirement to perform some action 
> *only* for class files, I found myself checking the entry path for the 
> "class" suffix to do so.
I think it may stem from the JMOD format where classes and resources are 
the same section. I agree it should be re-examined.


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