Suggestion: allow accessible reflection on protected methods of exported types.

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Tue Jan 3 19:54:48 UTC 2017

On 03/01/2017 18:13, Jochen Theodorou wrote:

> You sound as if there are equal good alternative solutions to all 
> these cases. For example changing the environment for a subprocess 
> after its creation.... No, there is no clean solution. The only 
> solution that does not require an opens is to do it by custom native 
> code.
Is this the issue with the rubygrapefruit library that there was a brief 
discussion here about a few months ago, I think with Cedric Champeau? I 
was hoping that this would be brought to core-libs-dev for discussion 
and explore whether it would make sense for Process/ProcessBuilder to 


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