AW: [JDK-8153077] JNLP example with -XaddExports
Robert Gibson
robbiexgibson at
Thu Jan 19 10:00:28 UTC 2017
Hi Reto,
I don't think this works in WebStart, which is usually a bit behind the curve in option handling. I filled a bug for exactly this problem yesterday but I don't have a bug number yet.
> On 19 Jan 2017, at 10:35, Reto Merz <reto.merz at> wrote:
> One more question: Is it possible to use --add-opens in JNLP ?
> We have try this:
> <java version="9+"
> java-vm-args="--add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED"/>
> This seems not to work/legal, or we use the wrong syntax:
> #### Java Web Start Error:
> #### Unable to make field private final byte[] java.lang.String.value accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @60bfc3dd
> Thanks
> Reto
>> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>> Von: Alan Bateman [mailto:Alan.Bateman at]
>> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 18. Januar 2017 14:48
>> An: Reto Merz; jigsaw-dev at
>> Betreff: Re: [JDK-8153077] JNLP example with -XaddExports
>>> On 18/01/2017 13:35, Reto Merz wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Is there any documentation or a public available working example how to
>> use -XaddExports for WebStart apps ?
>>> I have no acces to the example mentioned in JDK-8153077.
>>> We try this:
>>> <j2se version="1.8+" java-vm-args="-
>> XaddExports:java.base/"/>
>> I suspect this is what you want (and should be allowed because the
>> application is signed):
>> <java version="9+"
>> java-vm-args="--add-exports=java.base/
>> At the same time then it would be good to understand why this code needs
>> to make direct use of types in As there isn't
>> anything very critical in that package then it make be a
>> straight-forward dependency to remove.
>> -Alan
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