AW: AW: [JDK-8153077] JNLP example with -XaddExports

Reto Merz reto.merz at
Thu Jan 19 12:06:51 UTC 2017

On 19/01/2017 11:37, Alan Bateman wrote:

> On 19/01/2017 09:35, Reto Merz wrote:
> > One more question: Is it possible to use --add-opens in JNLP ?
> > We have try this:
> >
> > <java version="9+"
> >      java-vm-args="--add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED"/>
> >
> > This seems not to work/legal, or we use the wrong syntax:
> > #### Java Web Start Error:
> > #### Unable to make field private final byte[] java.lang.String.value
> accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed
> module @60bfc3dd
> >
> Not yet but there is an issue (JDK-8172986) tracking this.

Thanks for the info. Unfortunately JDK-8172986 is not public visible.

> It is of course questionable as to whether it's a good idea or not.

Most time we need reflections hacks to fix issues in the JRE because webstart does not support -Xbootclasspath,
for example in the past we have create workarounds for JDK-8130735 and JDK-6477756, just to name two issues.
We use Java since 1.3, there are tons of hacks and as always too less time to look into it and cleanup if possible.
BTW we have never understand why Webstart does not allow any java arguments when JARs are signed and all-permissions is requested.
The launcher has anway to perform checks before the "definitve" java proces is started.

> BTW: Do you know what is hacking into String.value?

This is used by performance critical code and I hope the owner of this code knows the details and the impact.
We are aware that Hotspot intrinsic string operations and string related stuff may be affected/changed for example by JEP 254 (compatc strings).


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