Review Request: 8173381: osName/osArch/osVersion is missing in ModuleDescriptor created by SystemModules

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Thu Jan 26 08:33:10 UTC 2017

On 26/01/2017 02:15, Mandy Chung wrote:

> The ModuleTarget attribute is added to java.base and other JDK modules when JMOD file is created but it gets dropped when the system modules plugin reconstitutes the ModuleDescriptor for fast loading.  The fix is straight-forward to add osName/osArch/osVersion if present.
> Webrev at:
The set of modules has to include java.base so if it has all three 
properties then there is no need to call the builder methods for the 
other modules. That will save a few bytecodes at startup. It's not 
critical of course, just a small saving.

Otherwise I think the change looks okay. At some point then the 
ModuleTarget class file attribute needs to be re-examined to see if the 
values it records are the right set. So it's possible it will change 
again. If there are more then I assume we can use one method to emit the 
instructions as they are builder method name / value pairs.


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