
Hontvári Attila attila at
Mon Jan 30 16:25:55 UTC 2017

Regarding to the reduction of the java.desktop module size:

Has Swing any circular dependency with other java.desktop parts? I know 
about only one, Desktop::setDefaultJMenuBar, which is only to be 
introduced in Java 9. If that dependency could be broken (by replacing 
the parameter type from Swing JMenuBar to AWT MenuBar), Swing could be 
extracted into a new module. Therefore the java.desktop size (28 MB 
including natives) would decrease by 7 MB.

And the non-default LookAndFeels (Nimbus, Windows, GTK, Synth, Multi, 
Aqua, Motif) could be also moved out to their own module, they are 2,5 MB.

2017-01-21 15:00 keltezéssel, Michał Zegan írta:
> Hi.
> Is java.desktop now divided in separate parts, or are there plans to do
> so? Because actually the whole point of your application having no
> unneeded dependencies is broken if you want java.beans, and suddenly get
> the whole desktop apis that are probably large, with their dependencies.

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