Re: trySetAccessible​

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Mon Jul 10 10:39:37 UTC 2017

On 10/07/2017 10:44, Jochen Theodorou wrote:
> :
> Example:
> module A:
> class Foo {
>   protected void foo(){}
> }
> Groovy program:
> class X extends Foo {
>   def bar() {return {foo()}}
> }
> if Foo is in an exported package, then it is legal for X to call foo, 
> even though it is protected. But bar() does not directly call foo, it 
> will do so in a Closure (not functional closure, not lambdas). 
and therein is the issue because protected members should only be 
accessible in the sub-class (or same package).

> In a Closure the implicit this has no fixed meaning and is realized as 
> anonymous inner class. With our current protocol the call to foo ends 
> up in the meta class logic, which then executes the method call. This 
> will then cause a warning "WARNING: An illegal reflective access 
> operation has occurred".
Do you have any control on the code that is generated for X?


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