"The unnamed module reads every other module."

Stephan Herrmann stephan.herrmann at berlin.de
Tue Jun 6 21:55:29 UTC 2017

On 06.06.2017 23:40, Alex Buckley wrote:
> On 6/6/2017 2:28 PM, Stephan Herrmann wrote:
>> SOTMS says: "The unnamed module reads every other module."
>> I am unable to find any similar statement in any specification.
>> Where should I be looking?
> The unnamed module is never resolved, so it doesn't feature in the reworked spec for Resolution in java.lang.module. Instead, the 
> dependences and exports of unnamed modules are specified in new text in JLS 7.7.5 and JVMS 5.3.6.
> Alex

Show me.

I don't see anything relating to "dependences and exports of unnamed modules"
in either document, versions 2017-05-25 and 2017-02-22 respectively,
which for me are the current versions linked from


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