Why is -XD-Xmodule hidden?

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Sun Jun 11 09:52:38 UTC 2017

On 11/06/2017 08:57, Nicolai Parlog wrote:
> :
> With --patch-module I get the same errors as without:
> javac --module-path mods -d classes \
> 	--patch-module monitor.rest=mods/monitor.rest.jar \
> 	monitor.rest/src/main/java/monitor/rest/MonitorServer.java
I agree the documentation needs improvement. JEP 261 needs a big update 
and one of the items that needs to be properly describes is `javac 

The main thing to understand with `javac --patch-module` is that you can 
specify the source location (it's more powerful than the --patch-module 
support as run-time). In this example then I would expect this should work:

   javac --modulepath mods -d classes \
     --patch-module monitor.rest=monitor/src  \

The already compiled monitor.rest will be found on the module path.


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