Incompatible change to java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Fri Jun 16 08:13:27 UTC 2017

On 16/06/2017 08:40, Jaroslav Tulach wrote:
> :
>>> So can you say what NetBeans is doing? Is this mocking, maybe
>>> forwarding/intercepting?
> See
If I read this correctly then NBInstrumentation is only interested in 
the addTransformer methods. If non-test code expecting an 
Instrumentation object gets a reference to the NBInstrumentation 
implementation then it will deeply disappointed when it finds that 
methods such as getObjectSize, appendToBootstrapClassLoaderSearch, etc. 
don't implement the spec. If it wrapped or forwarded to a "real" 
Instrumentation object then it might be more compelling.

However point taken and we'll have to see whether it makes sense to make 
these default implementations (which has spec implications so I can't 
guarantee that this can be done at this late stage in JDK 9).


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