8182482: Module System spec updates

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Wed Jun 21 11:52:57 UTC 2017

On 20/06/2017 20:51, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
> Maybe a few little things:
>    :
>    * in the "stream" (method-detail) description, second paragraph, second sentence, there is a "the"
>      too many:
>          If a service provider cannot be loaded for any of *the* *the* reasons...

>    * in the "load" (method-detail for: "public static <S> ServiceLoader<S> load​(Class<S> service,
>      ClassLoader loader)" ) description, section "Step 1", paragraph starting with "Ordering:", last
>      sentence, a "the" is missing "... in same class loader ...", should read: "... in *the* same
>      class loader..."

>    * Documentation of "Parameters:" in all of the "load" and "loadInstalled" method-details reads:
>      "service - The interface or abstract class representing the service", which may wrongly imply
>      that  a concrete class may not be supplied; for completeness of the documentation it should
>      document that it may be a concrete class as well or just talk about something like: "Class
>      representing the service, usually an interface class" to encourage usage of interface classes
This hasn't changed in this update (you'll see the same in Java SE 8) 
but I agree it hints that a concrete class is rejected (which it isn't).

>    * in the "findFirst" (method-detail) description, second paragraph, second (last) sentence may
>      have an "are" too many: "If there are no service providers *are* located then it uses a default
>      implementation."
I noticed this too before pushing the changes so it has been fixed in 


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