Missing translation for "--illegal-access"; Hadoop problems with build 175
Gunnar Morling
gunnar at hibernate.org
Tue Jun 27 15:07:57 UTC 2017
I am using the latest released versions. But they plug-in developers
are aware of that compatibility issue with b175: the Enforcer plug-in
has been updated to Commons Lang 3.5 just yesterday, for the JavaDoc
plug-in a pull request is pending.
So I'd hope the issue will be fixed in the next released versions of
those plug-ins.
2017-06-27 15:46 GMT+02:00 Uwe Schindler <uschindler at apache.org>:
> Hi,
> Could you please open issues on the two Maven plugins? Please be also sure
> that you first update your POM file to use the latest version of those
> plugins. Unfortunately, after a long discussion with Maven people, it does
> not seem to be possible that Maven enforces a higher plugin version
> automatically (for commonly used plugins like javadocs, compiler,…) if Java
> 9 is detected. This brings the additional burden of migrating legacy POMs up
> to newer plugin versions – unfortunately.
> About the issue in commons-lang: Unfortunately I am not sure if the old
> commons-lang v2 is still maintained (I think it’s dead). So I think the two
> plugins should drop this dependency and migrate to a newer one, or use some
> other way of detecting Java versions.
> Uwe
> -----
> Uwe Schindler
> uschindler at apache.org
> ASF Member, Apache Lucene PMC / Committer
> Bremen, Germany
> http://lucene.apache.org/
> From: gunnar.morling at googlemail.com [mailto:gunnar.morling at googlemail.com]
> On Behalf Of Gunnar Morling
> Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2017 3:29 PM
> To: Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at oracle.com>
> Cc: Uwe Schindler <uschindler at apache.org>; jigsaw-dev
> <jigsaw-dev at openjdk.java.net>; jdk9-dev at openjdk.java.net
> Subject: Re: Missing translation for "--illegal-access"; Hadoop problems
> with build 175
>> jdk-9+175 was supposed to be the first GA candidate so this is
>> why the pre-release identifier "ea" was dropped. Hopefully the
>> Hadoop maintainers will read JEP 223 to see how to parse version
>> strings going forward.
> I noticed that at least two popular Maven plug-ins are affected, too: the
> Maven JavaDoc plug-in and the Enforcer plug-in.
> They both use rather old versions of Apache Commons Lang (2.x) whose utility
> method SystemUtils#getJavaVersionAsFloat() runs into a
> StringIndexOutOfBoundsException due to the changed version format as of
> b175. Perhaps some Apache committers are present here who could take a look
> at this one?
> 2017-06-26 10:00 GMT+02:00 Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at oracle.com>:
> On 26/06/2017 08:35, Uwe Schindler wrote:
> :
> So I just wanted to give you some feedback that translations are obviously
> missing. FYI, the Linux version in English returns the correct text.
> The last translation drop went into jdk-9+172 so it's out of sync with the
> CLI/usage messages in builds since then. In addition to --illegal-access,
> there are a few other changes to, and at least one new, error message(s)
> that also need updated translations.
> FYI, the new version string (just "9") again caused some serious problem in
> open source projects. This time Hadoop, see
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HADOOP-14586. Issue is the following
> static final constant, leading to NoClassDefFound error and a cascade of
> classes no longer initializing:
> private static boolean IS_JAVA7_OR_ABOVE =
> System.getProperty("java.version").substring(0, 3).compareTo("1.7")
>>= 0;
> Damn! (the above code is IMHO just horrible wrong, never ever do something
> like this). In a ddition, it no even has a doPrivileged!
> jdk-9+175 was supposed to be the first GA candidate so this is why the
> pre-release identifier "ea" was dropped. Hopefully the Hadoop maintainers
> will read JEP 223 to see how to parse version strings going forward.
> -Alan.
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