
Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Fri Mar 17 16:39:08 UTC 2017

On 17/03/2017 16:12, Stephen Colebourne wrote:

> I note that Proxy appears to have a special case for "dynamic
> modules", and am concerned that this may over-emphasise Proxy compared
> to other similar tools that are not part of the JDK.
Some of the recent mails that mention Proxy are misleading. If you want 
to do your own so-called "dynamic modules" then it's possible with the 
APIs. One example in the JDK is in the XML area is where bytecode for 
translets is spun at runtime into modules. Nashorn has more advanced 
examples where it does the same. There is JVMLS recording that details 
how Nashorn does this (using the standard APIs).

The general issue of evolving modules dynamically is potentially a big 
topic, it touches several areas and is a lot more than just adding 
non-exported packages to modules. The updates to JVM TI and 
java.lang.instrument to support updating modules are intended for cases 
where tools need to instrument code in modules, often to instrument them 
to call into support libraries. I don't know what the current plans are 
for JEP 159 [1] for it may be an appropriate JEP to do work in this area 
if it becomes a priority.


[1] http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/159

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