Alternatives to automatic modules as a concept

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Mon Mar 20 11:07:52 UTC 2017

On 20/03/2017 09:29, Ceki Gülcü wrote:

> :
> Not only do I agree, that's actually the plan for the next SLF4J 
> version. For what it's worth, to track progress I have also created
Good! Is there also an issue tracking releasing it someday as a set of 

In the mean-time then I would expect existing versions of SLF4J to work 
on the class path as before. Also existing versions should "just work" 
as automatic modules on the module path. This goes for the case where 
both slf4j.api and the logging framework JAR are treated as modules, or 
where slf4j.api is a module and the logging framework JAR remains on the 
class path.


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