Evidence of incompatibility (was Some suggested patches and improvements)

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Thu May 18 06:28:01 UTC 2017

On 18/05/2017 04:28, Ralph Goers wrote:

> I am afraid I have to echo these sentiments to some degree. In trying to get Log4j to support Java 9 I first tried to use a multi-release jar. This failed miserably when the OSGi build tool failed over finding java classes under META-INF.  Then it proceeded to complain about the module-info.java files. Why these are java syntax instead of json or something more sensible for something that only contains declarations is a mystery to me. FWIW - the OSGi people don’t seem interested in supporting these new features - https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FELIX-5592 <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FELIX-5592>.
If I read this correctly then you'll looking to use MR JARs so that you 
can use the new stack walking API when on JDK 9 or later. This is 
exactly the type of use-case that MR JARs are intended for.

For the JIRA issue then it might be worth including a link to JEP 238 
and also the new JarFile constructor which makes it easy and transparent 
that the resources are located in versioned sectioned of the MR JAR.

The Maven maintainers on this list are very familiar with MR JARs. I 
suspect it might take time for support to trickle into some of the 
plugins that need to know about them.


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