How to compile test code in a modular project?

Jonathan Gibbons jonathan.gibbons at
Thu Nov 9 21:09:02 UTC 2017

On 11/09/2017 01:05 PM, Till Brychcy wrote:
>> Am 09.11.2017 um 09:29 schrieb Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at>:
>> Yes, --patch-module is needed to compile the tests "as if" they are part of the module, e.g.
>>    javac --module-path classes:junit.jar --patch-module m=src/test/java --add-reads m=junit -d test-classes \
>>        src/test/java/p1/
> Thanks a lot, Alan!
> The surprise for me was that --patch-module is used for source folders, too. I thought it was only for binaries.
> But I noted I also have to add "--add-modules=junit" or the "--add-reads m=junit" will give an error that module junit cannot be found.
> So the command has to be:
>     javac -d target/test-classes --patch-module m=src/test/java --module-path target/classes:junit-4.8.2.jar --add-modules=junit --add-reads m=junit src/test/java/p1/
> I’m not sure if that is a bug or a feature.  BTW, I noted that "javac -help" doesn’t mention --patch-module and --add-reads at all (only --add-modules)

Use "javac -X" or "javac --help-extra" to see help on additional 
options, such as less common or more advanced options.

-- Jon

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