Adding module causes classloading issues

Alex Buckley alex.buckley at
Tue Nov 28 00:40:47 UTC 2017

On 11/27/2017 3:16 PM, Michael Hall wrote:
> JMX attach keeps telling me that RMI is not a accepted protocol.
> I wondered if possibly this was a modular issue, I checked my main app jar…
> jdeps halfpipe.jar
> ...
> halfpipe.jar -> java.corba
> which seems to say I need java.corba which I didn’t have.
> If I add that with jlink I get…
> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/transaction/UserTransaction
> from the quartz scheduler. This class should come from the included jta.jar, and usually does without the java.corba module.

java --list-modules
// Will show java.corba in your jlinked image

java --describe-module java.corba
// Will show 'requires java.transaction'
// Since this is an implementation dependency, it's not listed in

java --show-module-resolution -jar halfpipe.jar
// Will show java.transaction being resolved in support of java.corba

Because java.transaction is resolved, the miniature javax.transaction 
package that it exports will "win", and the full-strength 
javax.transaction package in jta.jar on the classpath will "lose".

The story of java.transaction is unfortunate and complicated (see but you can augment it with the 
stuff in jta.jar:

java --patch-module java.transaction=jta.jar -jar halfpipe.jar
// See


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