Adding module causes classloading issues

Michael Hall mik3hall at
Tue Nov 28 22:11:23 UTC 2017

> On Nov 28, 2017, at 4:48 AM, Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at> wrote:
> javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject

It does include PortableRemoteObject. At one point, it looks like about 2004, I had made the app RMI client/server. 
But having trouble coming up with a second machine to test on. I think I ended up just forgetting about that. 
A little strange that Eclipse seems to show that it is missing, flagging it as an error. However the project compiles just fine with it.
So maybe not a mystery that needs solving at this point. As you suggest eliminating that code might be easier. 
But theres a lot of dead code in this app so it hasn’t seemed that critical. 

Unless it does relate to current problems. I haven’t had a chance to test JMX again yet. 
But since getting the java.corba module in the runtime with the scheduler code still running was the concern then that isn’t a concern anymore is it?
Although, I still need to go back and look at why <> was the apparent fix. 
As well as the other posts and suggested reading. 

The information was very helpful,  thanks again.

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