jdeps --generate-module-info fails when mixing MR JARs and non-MR JARs

Gunnar Morling gunnar at hibernate.org
Sun Dec 16 11:15:25 UTC 2018


I'm trying to run jdeps --generate-module-info for a non-MR JAR which
depends on an MR JAR.

If I don't specify the "--multi-release" option, it fails with this message:

    "dependency-xyz.jar is a multi-release jar file but
--multi-release option is not set".

If I specify the option, it fails, too:

    "main-abc.jar is not a multi-release jar file but --multi-release
option is set".

Is there a way to resolve this issue (I'm on Java 11.0.1+13)? Perhaps
the value of --multi-release should only be applied to MR JARs
actually supporting that version?

Thanks for any pointers,


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