Minimal and client VM for jlink?

David Holmes david.holmes at
Mon Jan 8 21:29:39 UTC 2018

Hi Nicolai,

On 9/01/2018 6:30 AM, Nicolai Parlog wrote:
>   Hi,
> every source I found indicates that jlink makes it possible to create a
> runtime image with a client, server, or minimal VM. However I can't make
> it work for client and minimal:
> 	Error: Selected VM client doesn't exist.
> I tried with the Oracle JDK 9 for Linux (9 and 9.0.1) and the reference
> implementation[1]. It looks to me as if these JDKs only contain the
> server VM. Is that and the absence of client and minimal documented
> somewhere? Or am I just missing some flag? Is there a way to create an
> image with the minimal VM?

The Client and Minimal VMs are only available on 32-bit platforms. The 
64-bit platforms do not have them. You may be able to change the build 
to force their creation with 64-bit but I'm not sure what the state of 
that is.

For Oracle JDK the fact only the server VM exists is documented in the 
VM Guide:

"In Oracle Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 8 and earlier, different 
implementations of the JVM, (the client VM, server VM, and minimal VM), 
were supported for configurations commonly used as clients, servers, and 
for embedded systems. As most systems can now take advantage of the 
server VM, the Oracle Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 9 provides only 
that VM implementation."


>   so long ... Nicolai
> [1]

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