Reflection: how does one access a protected member in a superclass reflectively?

John Rose john.r.rose at
Tue Jan 16 21:34:27 UTC 2018

On Jan 16, 2018, at 1:08 PM, Jochen Theodorou <blackdrag at> wrote:
> which is a big deal of a problem if the class, that is supposed to be exposed to the framework is not under the control of the framework. And there is no good solution (rewriting the bytecode for example is no good solution)

Yep.  We didn't solve all those problems in 9 since they are
very complicated trade-offs, and the "new kid on the block" of
enforced encapsulation is taking ground previously occupied
by the "neighborhood gang" of legitimate frameworks.  So we
need a way to give those frameworks what they need, in a way
that still make encapsulation preservable and checkable.

(My mental model for this tradeoff is, how can I AOT-compile as
much as possible, while still leaving open some legitimate hooks
for frameworks to operate?  I.e., enabling AOT and framework
intercession at the same time is what winning looks like.)

The privateLookup API will allow a framework to get full-power
"guest" status in an arbitrary uncooperative class.  At least,
that's the advertisement.  Will that help, or is there some bad
fine-print to that API?

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