Unsafe and JPMS

Jochen Theodorou blackdrag at gmx.org
Fri Jan 19 19:53:32 UTC 2018

On 19.01.2018 19:31, Jeremy Manson wrote:
> I generally agree with the principle of making real APIs to do what we need
> to do with Unsafe and migrating.  My concern is not the removal of Unsafe,
> it's that the replacement won't be equivalent if it doesn't let you cross
> module boundaries.

It won't be equivalent. It can't be or the module system enforced 
encapsulation, the big deal of the jpms, would be rendered useless. But 
maybe the alternatives are good enough for you. You will still have to 
identify the problems points and see if you can replacement with 
something else.

bye Jochen

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