Reflection: how does one access a protected member in a superclass reflectively?

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Mon Jan 22 11:18:34 UTC 2018

On 22/01/2018 09:58, Peter Levart wrote:
> :
> The 2nd problem is not trivial as you want to access a protected 
> member on behalf of some other sub-class of the member's declaring 
> class which is not cooperating (voluntarily handing you an instance of 
> its Lookup object). This currently requires the package containing the 
> member's declaring class to be opened at least to you (the Rexx 
> interpreter) and using the member.setAccessible(true) trick or 
> MethodHandles.privateLookupIn(declaringClass) equivalent for method 
> handles. Which is awkward because libraries packed as modules would 
> normally not specify that in their module descriptors and system 
> modules don't either. So you are left with either --add-opens command 
> line switches or deploying a javaagent to the JVM and using it's API 
> point java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation#redefineModule to add opens 
> to modules that way. Both approaches are not elegant, but that's what 
> is currently available, I think.
I suspect it may be just a misunderstanding. One of Rony's mails had 
this example:

o=.bsf~new("mtest3.Class03A")             -- create Java object, get and 
assign proxy ooRexx object
say "o:" o "o~myClassName:" o~myClassName -- get (static) field value in 
"mtest1.Class01A", accessible via inheritance

I read this as the Rexx script doing the equivalent of "new 
mtest3.Class03A()", in which case should be no expectation that 
protected members are accessible to the Rexx code.


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