Reflection: how can one access public fields (members) in a superclass ?

Rony G. Flatscher Rony.Flatscher at
Tue Jan 23 17:32:58 UTC 2018

Oh, forgot the scripts to compile and run (these are under Windows):

Assuming that the sources of "mod_A", "mod_B" and m"od_C" are located in "src", the compilation
result should be placed into "out" here the compile script:

    rd out /s /q  && md out

    @echo compiling module mod_A
    dir      src\mod_A\*java /s /b > mod_A_source_files.txt
    type mod_A_source_files.txt
    javac -d out\mod_A @mod_A_source_files.txt

    @echo compiling module mod_B
    dir      src\mod_B\*java /s /b > mod_B_source_files.txt
    type mod_B_source_files.txt
    javac --module-path out -d out\mod_B @mod_B_source_files.txt

    @echo compiling module mod_C
    dir      src\mod_C\*java /s /b > mod_C_source_files.txt
    type mod_C_source_files.txt
    javac --module-path out -d out\mod_C @mod_C_source_files.txt

Assuming that "" is located in the directory that contains the "out"

    del TestUse_mtest3_Class03A.class
    javac -cp "." --module-path out --add-modules mod_A,mod_B,mod_C

    java  -cp "." --module-path out --add-modules mod_A,mod_B,mod_C TestUse_mtest3_Class03A


On 23.01.2018 15:52, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
> Given three modules (sources at the end) where
>   * "mod_A" exports its package "mtest1", to everyone
>   * "mod_B" requires "mod_A" and exports its package "mtest2" to "mod_C"
>   * "mod_C" requires "mod_B" and exports its package "mtest3" to everyone
> "mod_B"'s class "mtest2.Class02A" defines two public fields, one static ("pubStaticFromClass02A")
> and one an instance ("pubFromClass02") one.
> Compiling the modules and then using them in the following Java program (via the CLASSPATH) works,
> here the source:
>             public class TestUse_mtest3_Class03A
>             {
>                 public static void main (String args[]) {
>                     mtest3.Class03A o=new mtest3.Class03A();
>                     System.out.println("o.pubStaticFromClass02A     : "+o.pubStaticFromClass02A );
>                     System.out.println("o.pubFromClass02A           : "+o.pubFromClass02A     );
>                     System.out.println("o: "+o+", o.getMyClassName(): "+o.getMyClassName());
>                 }
>             }
> Compiling the above program and running it yields:
>     o.pubStaticFromClass02A     : static-mtest2.Class02A
>     o.pubFromClass02A           : instance-mtest2.Class02A
>     o: mtest3.Class03A at 5afa04c, o.getMyClassName(): via: this=[mtest3.Class03A at 5afa04c],
>     getMyClassName()=[class-mtest1.Class01A]
> Here is a 1:1 transcription from the above Java program to Rexx which uses Java reflection to
> achieve the same:
>     test.rex
>             o=.bsf~new("mtest3.Class03A")          -- create Java object
>             say "o~pubStaticFromClass01A:" o~pubStaticFromClass02A
>             say "o~pubFromClass01A      :" o~pubFromClass02A
>             say "o:" o "o~getMyClassName:" o~getMyClassName
>             ::requires BSF.CLS   -- direct interpreter to load Java bridge
> Running the Rexx program yields the following reflection error:
>     // // -> -> RexxReflectJava9.processField(): EXCEPTION in GET-operation:
>     tmpField="pubStaticFromClass02A" exception: "java.lang.IllegalAccessException: class
>     org.rexxla.bsf.engines.rexx.RexxReflectJava9 cannot access class mtest2.Class02A (in module
>     mod_B) because module mod_B does not export mtest2  to unnamed module @51c8530f"
> The reflection code currently
>   * gets the type from the Java object ("mtest3.Class03A") and tests whether the package "mtest3" is
>     exported (it is),
>   * looks for all declaredFields and finds none, so it gets the superclass "mtest2.Class02A",
>   * looks for all declaredFields and locates the Field named "pubStaticFromClass02A" and invokes the
>     Field's get method, supplying the Java object (an instance of class mtest3.Class03A) which
>     causes an IlleagalAccessException.
> Although it is true that "mod_B" is not exported to the unnamed module it is still the case that
> "mod_C" is exported (and class "mtest3.Class03A" can be accessed), such that all public members in
> its superclasses should be accessible via reflection, even in the case that a public member resides
> in a module that is not exported to the reflector from the unnamed module?
> The reflective code would be able to assess that the supplied object is from an exported type and
> hence allow the get access in this case for reflected members in its superclasses, like it seems the
> Java compiler allows for.
> ---rony
> Here are the contents of the module directories in source:
>     ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     mod_A/
>             module mod_A { exports mtest1; }
>     mod_A/mtest1/
>             package mtest1;
>             abstract public class Class01A
>             {
>                 protected static String myClassName = "class-mtest1.Class01A";
>             }
>     ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     mod_B/
>             module mod_B {
>                 requires mod_A;
>                 exports mtest2 to mod_C;
>             }
>     mod_B/mtest2/
>             package mtest2;
>             public class Class02A extends mtest1.Class01A
>             {
>                 public static String pubStaticFromClass02A="static-mtest2.Class02A";
>                 public        String pubFromClass02A      ="instance-mtest2.Class02A";
>                 public String getMyClassName()
>                 {
>                     return "via: this=["+this+"], getMyClassName()=["+myClassName+"]";
>                 }
>             }
>     ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     mod_C/
>             module mod_B {
>                 requires mod_A;
>                 exports mtest2 to mod_C;
>             }
>     mod_C/mtest3/
>             package mtest3;
>             public class Class03A extends mtest2.Class02A
>             {
>             }
>     --------------------------------------------------------------------------

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