p example (Re: Reflection: how can one access public fields (members) in a superclass ?
Rony G. Flatscher
Rony.Flatscher at wu.ac.at
Wed Jan 24 18:11:29 UTC 2018
Had to leave, hence continuing here.
The purpose of demonstrating that compilable and runnable Java program is simply to proof, that it
is legal to access public members of package private classes, if the access occurs via an instance
of a public subclass.
The reflective version that behaves like the presented compiled version, may be coded like:
import java.lang.reflect.*;
public class UseC2Reflective
public static void main (String args[]) {
p.C2 o=new p.C2();
Class sc=o.getClass().getSuperclass();
Method rm =null;
Object result=null;
try {
rm=sc.getDeclaredMethod("m",new Class[0]);
try {
result=rm.invoke(o,new Object[0]);
catch (Exception e1)
result=rm.invoke(o,new Object[0]);
catch (Exception e)
System.err.println("getDefinedMethod(...) caused exception: "+e);
Running it with Java 9 gives:
G:\xfer\java9modules\03-20180124-AlanBatmanP\p>java -cp ".;.." UseC2Reflective
o=p.C2 at 3cd1f1c8
So this behaves like in the past: it is possible to mimickry a compiled Java program using
reflection with setAccessible.
Now turning to the use of setAccessible() and looking up the Javadocs for Java 6, 7, 8 and 9, is
* Javadocs 6:
public class AccessibleObject
extends Object
implements AnnotatedElement
The AccessibleObject class is the base class for Field, Method and Constructor objects. It
provides the ability to flag a reflected object as suppressing default Java language access
control checks when it is used. The access checks--for public, default (package) access,
protected, and private members--are performed when Fields, Methods or Constructors are used to
set or get fields, to invoke methods, or to create and initialize new instances of classes,
Setting the accessible flag in a reflected object permits sophisticated applications with
sufficient privilege, such as Java Object Serialization or other persistence mechanisms, to
manipulate objects in a manner that would normally be prohibited.
See Also:
Field, Method, Constructor, ReflectPermission
* Javadocs 7; this adds a paragraph to the documentation:
public class AccessibleObject
extends Object
implements AnnotatedElement
The AccessibleObject class is the base class for Field, Method and Constructor objects. It
provides the ability to flag a reflected object as suppressing default Java language access
control checks when it is used. The access checks--for public, default (package) access,
protected, and private members--are performed when Fields, Methods or Constructors are used to
set or get fields, to invoke methods, or to create and initialize new instances of classes,
Setting the accessible flag in a reflected object permits sophisticated applications with
sufficient privilege, such as Java Object Serialization or other persistence mechanisms, to
manipulate objects in a manner that would normally be prohibited.
*By default, a reflected object is not accessible.*
* Javadocs 8; this is the same as for the Javadocs 7.
So the rule is, that a reflected object is not accessible by default, such that one needs to use the
setAccessible() method.
* Javadocs 9; this rewrites the documentation to read:
public class AccessibleObject
extends Object
implements AnnotatedElement
The AccessibleObject class is the base class for Field, Method, and Constructor objects (known
as reflected objects). It provides the ability to flag a reflected object as suppressing checks
for Java language access control when it is used. This permits sophisticated applications with
sufficient privilege, such as Java Object Serialization or other persistence mechanisms, to
manipulate objects in a manner that would normally be prohibited.
Java language access control prevents use of private members outside their class; package access
members outside their package; protected members outside their package or subclasses; and public
members outside their module unless they are declared in an exported package and the user reads
their module. By default, Java language access control is enforced (with one variation) when
Fields, Methods, or Constructors are used to get or set fields, to invoke methods, or to create
and initialize new instances of classes, respectively. Every reflected object checks that the
code using it is in an appropriate class, package, or module.
The one variation from Java language access control is that the checks by reflected objects
assume readability. That is, the module containing the use of a reflected object is assumed to
read the module in which the underlying field, method, or constructor is declared.
Whether the checks for Java language access control can be suppressed (and thus, whether access
can be enabled) depends on whether the reflected object corresponds to a member in an exported
or open package (see setAccessible(boolean)).
All of a sudden it states that "access control prevents use of (...) package access members outside
their package (...)" by the "Java language access control", however the compiled Java program is
allowed to do so! I think it makes perfect sense that if a public subclass having package access and
returning an object that the receiver of that object is rightfully entitled to use its public
members available in its class and all of its superclasses. There is no risk that the one who has a
reference to such an object can do any harm, if using public members. (As package classes have
always access to their peer package classes and access to their peer's package members it would
probably not make sense to allow "public" in that context, if access to those members was not
allowed to become "public" outside of the package eventually.)
For the module system it states "(...) prevents (...) public members outside their module unless
they are declared in an exported package and the user reads their module". I think this is not
specified enough. Using the same arguments as in the above paragraph: once an object is handed out,
and if its class or one of its superclasses got exported, then starting with the exported class all
public members of that class and all of its superclasses should be accessible via reflection as
well. There is no risk that the one who has a reference to such an object can do any harm to the
module system, if being restricted of using public members starting with the first exported class
and then all of its superclasses as well.
On 24.01.2018 16:42, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
> Changed the subject to hint at the "p" package example.
> On 24.01.2018 15:28, Alan Bateman wrote:
>> On 23/01/2018 14:52, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
> ... cut ...
>> I don't think the questions and observations in this thread are strictly modules related. One
>> suggestion is to start with a simpler scenario like this:
>> package p;
>> class C1 {
>> public static final int K = 99;
>> public static int k() { return K; }
>> public final int F = -1;
>> public int m() { return F; }
>> }
>> package p;
>> public class C2 extends C1 { }
>> No modules or qualified exports in the picture for now. The important part is that C1 is not
>> public but it has public members. You can try tests to see if references to C2.K, C2.k(), new
>> C2().F, and new C2().m() will compile and run. You can try the equivalent with core reflection to
>> see how it differs to static references (you may have to change method m to be final to prevent
>> javac generating a bridge method in C2).
> OK, now add to this the following class that uses p.C2 objects to access e.g. m() via it:
> G:\xfer\java9modules\03-20180124-AlanBatmanP\p>type UseC2.java
> public class UseC2
> {
> public static void main (String args[]) {
> p.C2 o=new p.C2();
> System.out.println("o="+o);
> System.out.println("o.m()="+o.m());
> }
> }
> Compiling all three classes works.
> Running "UseC2" works and outputs:
> G:\xfer\java9modules\03-20180124-AlanBatmanP\p>java -cp ".;.." UseC2
> o=p.C2 at 66048bfd
> o.m()=-1
> So it is possible to access m() via the p.C2 object from UseC2.
> ---
> The modules seem to come into play when reflection or unreflect try to determine whether
> accessibility should be granted or not. The current implementations (mistakingly, I think) assume
> that access is only to be grantable if the package of the object to reflect is exported to the
> reflector.
> Rather, it should check whether the reflected member is in a class with a package that gets exported
> to the reflector *or* is a superclass of a class which package got exported to the reflector. Or
> with other words, once a class is determined that gets exported to the reflector all public members
> in all superclasses should be accessible in order to avoid "crippled Java objects CJO" ;) .
> java.lang.reflect.* could do that check. In the case of unreflection probably one should be able to
> supply an exported class to check accessibility and then only accept object that are instances of at
> least that class.
> ---rony
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