ClassLoader.getResources vs Module.getResourceAsStream

Bernard Amade bear.amade at
Mon Jul 16 13:08:23 UTC 2018

> ServiceLoader is completely the wrong solution for config files. Its
> far too heavyweight.
after java 8 
the case of internationalisation is the worst case of resource handling: 
- creating diverse resource files (for different cultural contexts) means they might be spread along different jars
(you receive an app in your country - that uses a strange language-  ... then you create a specific deployment jar and add it to the app)
- since it is impossible to have the same "directory" (oups I mean "package") in different modules/jars it is required to create a special code to find the real directory
this is super-clumsy! 
please find a  simpler approach ! (even if it entails exceptions to some principles)


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