8197532: Re-examine policy for the default set of modules when compiling or running code on the class path

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Thu Jul 19 18:12:35 UTC 2018

On 19/07/2018 16:27, David Lloyd wrote:
> :
> When running on Java 9 or later, this code relies on being able to
> reference java.se, and more importantly, all of the modules that it
> includes, which worked OK on 9 and 10 but fails on 11.  When running
> on Java 8, it uses the default parent class loader to load the
> relevant classes and resources.
I think this needs a bit more context. The first part seems to be about 
enumerating the modules in java.se which doesn't need java.se in the 
boot layer. I can't quite connect that to the second part which seems to 
be about the default class loader for delegation (which didn't change in 
JDK 9 so I can't see the 8 vs. 9 issue). Is this something with the 
JBoss module system where it wants to do direct delegation to the 
modules in the boot layer?


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