The baby and the bathwater (the return)

Jochen Theodorou blackdrag at
Sun Jun 3 22:25:25 UTC 2018

On 03.06.2018 21:53, Jonathan Gibbons wrote:
> Rémi,
> Generally, you should consider the runtime "module path" to be composed 
> of three elements: the upgrade module path (--upgrade-module-path), the 
> system modules (--system) and the user module path (--module-path). 
> Depending on your requirements, you may want to take --patch-module into 
> account as well.  At compile time there is also the source path 
> (--source-path or --module-source-path) to consider.
> While this may seem complicated, it is analagous of the pre-Jigsaw world of
>      -Xbootclasspath/p:  -bootclasspath  -Xbootclasspath/a: -classpath 
> (and -sourcepath at compile time)

with one major difference... you rarely had a reason to use 
bootclasspath in any way. The need to test such situations was very very 
limited as well. jlink makes system modules a standard, classpath and 
modulepath have to be tested as well now...

bye Jochen

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