RFR(XS): 8205025: [AOT] make jdk.aot module upgradeable

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Thu Jun 14 10:03:42 UTC 2018

On 14/06/2018 09:09, Doug Simon wrote:
> In the context of JDK-8202762, we to need to make the jdk.aot module upgradeable. Otherwise, it is impossible to run or test the version of jdk.aot under development in a Graal repo:
> java --module-path=../sdk/mxbuild/modules/org.graalvm.graal_sdk.jar:../truffle/mxbuild/modules/com.oracle.truffle.truffle_api.jar:mxbuild/modules/jdk.internal.vm.compiler.jar --upgrade-module-path=mxbuild/modules/jdk.internal.vm.compiler.jar:mxbuild/modules/jdk.internal.vm.compiler.management.jar:mxbuild/modules/jdk.aot.jar -m jdk.aot/jdk.tools.jaotc.Main
> Error occurred during initialization of boot layer
> java.lang.module.FindException: Hash of jdk.aot (55cfefcfb0ca2a8b12403c47848d2bbd54416149cfe75f5051ad77628a2764b4) differs to expected hash (e6882d3461a21ea46c52da87ef52b5850a7b1f5ae0cfd650b7f784c970aaa0ee) recorded in java.base
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8205025
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dnsimon/8205025/
This looks okay except that there has been an attempt to keep the list 
of modules in alphabetic order in these make files.

Do all tests pass with this change? There is at least one test in 
test/jdk/jdk/modules/etc that is sensitive to the list of upgradeable 


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