Main class in jar

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Mon Mar 5 15:40:29 UTC 2018

On 05/03/2018 13:58, Gregg Wonderly wrote:
> Will java -jar note that the argument is a module and help the user understand how to invoke it, or will it just complain about a missing main-class: attribute?  From a practical perspective, why does it matter and demand a different command line?  What happens when you double click on a module?
`java -jar` has not changed,  it will print an error to say that there 
is "no main manifest attribute" as it has always done.

If your modules aren't in the run-time image then you have to specify a 
module path to the java launcher. This is different to `java -jar` where 
you've packaged everything into a single JAR file (ignoring Class-Path 
in the this discussion for now). As I said, there is a carry over issue 
from JSR 376 to examine the topic of executable modular "uber JARs" so I 
expect it will be re-examined.

I assume by "double on a module" then you mean a JAR file. In that case 
it depends on how your desktop is configured. Some users may have it 
configured to run "javaw.exe" with `-jar %1` as the parameters, this 
would be the equivalent of typing `java -jar ...` on the command line.


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