java.beans package in java.desktop module

Stephen Colebourne scolebourne at
Tue Mar 6 14:29:48 UTC 2018

It had been my hope that we might see a replacement for the java.beans
package. I drew up a rough prototype here:
based on previous work in Joda-Beans. More info here:

If an interface-based design were adopted, it could be implemented by
the existing JavaBeans code and also by future language changes such
as records (data classes), while the API could be used far more
broadly, such as in Hibernate or EL.

Sadly, I haven't had the time or energy to progress this, but the need is there.


On 6 March 2018 at 13:52, Guillaume Smet <guillaume at> wrote:
> The java.beans package is part of the java.desktop module which is a bit
> unfortunate as the package contains quite a few classes useful to
> manipulate beans and dragging all the desktop classes with them is far from
> ideal.
> Typically, we have:
> - javax.el which uses java.beans.FeatureDescriptor (javax.el is the
> standard EL implementation used by Bean Validation)
> - Hibernate ORM which uses java.beans.Introspector (and thus BeanInfo and
> so on)
> - <insert your library here>
> Is there a plan to get java.beans out of java.desktop? Or should we avoid
> its usage?
> In our case, we can deal with the Hibernate ORM part but, for javax.el, it
> might be a bit more complicated as FeatureDescriptor is unfortunately
> included in specified APIs.
> Thanks for the feedback.

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