Accessing internals in Java 11

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Sun Mar 25 13:57:38 UTC 2018

On 25/03/2018 08:32, Nicolai Parlog wrote:
>   Hi!
> On Java 9 and 10, the JPMS is forgiving when it comes to illegal
> access of JDK internals and jdk.unsupported offers classes like Unsafe
> or Signal. The same is true for 11-b5.
> Are there any plans to change this, i.e. will Java 11 become stricter
> before the release? Would --illegal-access get a different default
> value or might jdk.unsupported get smaller?
TBD on dialing up the encapsulation of JDK internals, JDK 11 might be 
too soon. I'm sure there will be lots of discussion on this once the 
time comes.

The only changes to class in the jdk.unsupported module so far have been 
the removal of Reflection.getClassClass and Unsafe.defineClass. There 
were terminally deprecated (@Deprecated forRemoval=true) so shouldn't be 
a surprise to anyone.


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