The baby and the bathwater

Remi Forax forax at
Tue Mar 27 09:04:25 UTC 2018

----- Mail original -----
> De: "Alan Bateman" <Alan.Bateman at>
> À: "Cédric Champeau" <cedric.champeau at>
> Cc: "jigsaw-dev" <jigsaw-dev at>
> Envoyé: Mardi 27 Mars 2018 10:29:36
> Objet: Re: The baby and the bathwater

> On 27/03/2018 08:15, Cédric Champeau wrote:
>> Dual testing is a minimum. In practice, it depends on the kind of tests.
>> Typically, before JDK 9 for unit tests you never needed a jar to execute
>> unit tests. Maven happens to built it, but in practice a class directory +
>> resources is enough
> This hasn't changed. You can put directories containing the test classes
> + resources on the class path as before. When testing modules you can
> patch a module to add the test classes (and resources) that are compiled
> into a directory, no need for either the module or the tests to be
> packaged as JAR files.

with the limitation that you can not patch a module-info so if you have testing-only dependencies like JUnit and you want to run them in module-mode, you have to generate a jar.

> Maybe your comment is about testing libraries that are Multi-Release JARs?
> -Alan.


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