Deprecated attribute in module-info.class?

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Thu Mar 29 16:02:51 UTC 2018

On 29/03/2018 15:36, Stephan Herrmann wrote:
> I'm looking at jdk.xml.bind/module-info.class from JDK 9.0.4.
> I do find a RuntimeVisibleAnnotation attribute representing
>   @java.lang.Deprecated(since="9", forRemoval=true)
> but I don't find a Deprecated attribute.
> Is this intended? JVMS 4.7.15 neither includes nor excludes
> modules, but not generating the Deprecated attribute looks
> like an omission to me.
Are you using `javap` to look at the class or something else?

I ask because `javap` tool was updated in JDK 10 to render annotations 
in a more friendly way. When I use the JDK 10 `javap` to look at the 
jdk.xml.bind's module-info.class from JDK 9 I see:

   0: #5(#6=s#7,#8=Z#9)

whereas the JDK 9 `javap` prints less useful output.


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