Re[2]: Patch-module with dynamic layer creating.

Alex Sviridov ooo_saturn7 at
Fri Oct 12 15:00:11 UTC 2018

I am speaking not only about patch-module but about all possible options: 
--add-exports, --add-opens, --patch-module, --add-modules, --add-reads etc.

Agree that "custom" support for them is not a good way.


>Пятница, 12 октября 2018, 17:50 +03:00 от Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at>:
>On 12/10/2018 13:16, Alex Sviridov wrote:
>> Hi Alan
>> Maybe it is necessary to add possibility to have equal control for boot layer and
>> other layers. Because layers are graph but at this moment we can do for boot layer
>> more then for others -> if we work with non boot layers we must use another
>> solutions -> different solutions within one technology is not good.
>> For example we could pass something like String[] args when we create custom layer.
>I don't know if that is really feasible as you would somehow need to 
>identify the layer and then somehow interpose on the ModuleFinders that 
>the container creates. Instead, I think it needs the container to create 
>a ModuleFinder that finds the patched modules. Yes, this means doing 
>something similar to patch support that the JDK does for the modules in 
>the boot layer but it would be under the control of the container. It 
>shouldn't be a lot of code to this do.

Alex Sviridov

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