module readability and exceptions in api

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Sun Oct 14 07:27:42 UTC 2018

On 13/10/2018 15:12, Michał Zegan wrote:
> :
> hmm so it is not a good idea to, say, generate a bytecode/class to be
> defined as part of currently loaded module X by means of
> MethodHandles.Lookup.defineClass or something like that if this bytecode
> would have to access module Y that is currently not readable by X,
> because I have no control over class loader of X and cannot augment it's
> delegation?
This isn't really a module issue. When spinning code at run-time then 
you have to take visibility into account. I'm sure there are custom 
class loaders around that do have some support for dynamically updating 
how they delegate but it's not something that the ClassLoader API has 
any support for.


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