Problem with JAXBContext.newInstance

Oliver Z. oliver.zemann at
Wed Feb 13 11:14:07 UTC 2019

Can you tell me where i can download the JAXB 2.4 final module? I only 
found 2.4.0-b... which does not seem to be a final to me.

I also tried to write to that list but i am waiting for approval, which 
seems pretty long now (maybe the owner is on vacation or so..). Do you 
know any other mailing list/resource i could contact to get that 
information? Otherwise i guess i have to go with xstream to not to be 
blocked for days now.

Am 12.02.2019 um 01:28 schrieb Lance Andersen:
> The last time I tried, you could not use JAXB 2.4 as a module but that 
> was before it went final.
> JAXB has dependencies on JAF so make sure you include that module. If 
> you are still struggling I would follow up on the JAXB dev mailing 
> list for better guidance with JAXB 2.4
> The documentation definitely needs some updates  to 7.2.2 as it does 
> not even mention JAF or provide a current of example for using the 
> standalone JAXB as a module without upgrading the JDK implementation. 
>  Also the release notes do not mention the runtime jar 

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