Problem with JAXBContext.newInstance

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Wed Feb 13 12:21:12 UTC 2019

On 13/02/2019 12:05, Oliver Z. wrote:
> I found the solution. Pretty trivial, but probably unexpected when 
> migrating. It is required to have 2 require entries in the 
> I guess one for the API, and one for the 
> implementation:
> requires java.xml.bind;
> requires com.sun.xml.bind;
This doesn't look right (at least not unless you are using a 
implementation specific API exported by com.sun.xml.bind). This suggests 
to me that java,xml.bind is missing `uses java.xml.bind.JAXBContext` or 
com.sun.xml.bind is missing the equivalent `provides 
java.xml.bind.JAXBContext with ...`. That or whatever your environment 
isn't setting up the module path correctly.


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