RFR: 8218913: Rename --strip-debug jlink plugin

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Thu Feb 14 15:26:35 UTC 2019

On 13/02/2019 11:16, Severin Gehwolf wrote:
> Hi,
> As discussed in the RFR thread for JDK-8214796 it was suggested to
> rename the --strip-debug plugin so that --strip-debug could actually
> perform java debug symbols stripping *and* native debug symbols
> stripping at once. That's what this patch does. It renames --strip-
> debug to --strip-java-debug-symbols and --strip-debug just calls --
> strip-java-debug-symbols behind the scenes.
> Note that --strip-debug-attributes as name would work for me too, but
> given that we are about to introduce --strip-native-debug-symbols,
> having the java strippping plugin with a similar name made sense to me.
> bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8218913
> webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sgehwolf/webrevs/JDK-8218913/01/webrev/
I skimmed through the webrev and the approach looks good.

I don't have a strong opinion on the naming but the previous suggestion 
to use --strip-java-debug-attributes seems slightly better, if only it 
gives a hint that it strips the LVT and LLVT class file attributes. If 
the "strip the world" option is --strip-debug-info then it could imply 
both --strip-java-debug-attributes and --strip-native-debug-symbols 
without needing to unify the terminology.


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