RFR: 8218913: Rename --strip-debug jlink plugin

Mandy Chung mandy.chung at oracle.com
Thu Feb 14 19:11:49 UTC 2019

On 2/14/19 1:04 AM, Severin Gehwolf wrote:
> Hi Mandy,
>> You add a new DefaultStripDebugPlugin that will do the work.
>> I have been assuming that this can be implemented as a jlink option
>> that get translated into --strip-java-debug-symbols during
>> the command line argument processing.
> The reason I've opted for this approach was the intention to hook --
> strip-debug up with not only --strip-java-debug-symbols, but also --
> strip-native-debug-symbols as well once that gets in. The analogy to
> the compress plugin applies here. Using this approach will make that
> additional hooking up easier. Though, thinking about this some more --
> strip-native-debug-info will be linux-only, so I'll have to ponder a
> bit about how to make use of that platform-specific option without
> breaking platforms which don't have it.

Good point.

That's the merit of this approach which makes it easier to hook
up a platform-specific plugin that may or may not exist.


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