EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION on a jlinked 11.0.3+7 32bits

Aleksey Shipilev shade at redhat.com
Wed Jul 17 14:39:53 UTC 2019

On 7/17/19 2:37 PM, Andrea Vacondio wrote:
> On a Windows 10 32 bits I have a script that does a jlink on the 32bits jdk
> 11.0.3+7. When running 'java' on the resulting runtime I get a
> EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (attached to the issue in GitHub there is the
> error log). This doesn't happen if I run 'java' on the jdk. The same script

There are quite a few bugfixes for x86_32 that went into 11.0.4, please try with recent 11u release.
Running with fastdebug binaries, if you can get hold of them, would also be a plus.


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