missing resources when using --patch-module

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Fri Apr 3 12:12:06 UTC 2020

On 03/04/2020 12:46, Tom De Wolf wrote:
> Hi,
> I understand that for individual classes and non-java resources a 
> patch should replace them. However for directories which are actually 
> java packages this seems to be odd. Does this not make it impossible 
> to add a new class to an existing package or replace only 1 class in a 
> package but keep the rest? If only the package found in the patch is 
> returned then only classes in that patch are found and not the classes 
> in the original package.
Best to read the "Patching module content" section of JEP 261 [1] as it 
has the details. Hopefully it will be clear that you are add classes or 
resources to an existing package (the classes loaded from that location 
will be in the same run-time package as those located from the 
equivalent location in the original module).

Just on directories as resources. This is a very under-specific area and 
has always been implementation specific as to whether directories are 
located as resources, also whether they are synthesized when they don't 
exist (e.g. a JAR file might have directory entries stripped, zip -D, 
etc). Short comings in the specification of resources pre-date modules.


[1] https://openjdk.java.net/jeps/261#Patching-module-content

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