jlink fails with "Hash of java.xyz differs to expected hash recorded in java.base"

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Tue Mar 31 08:04:19 UTC 2020

On 31/03/2020 08:50, Sebastian Stenzel wrote:
> :
> This was my bug report, that's why I'm investigating to give the Ubuntu guys some tips on how they can solve it (if they caused it in the first place). ;-)
Ah, didn't see it was you :-)

I've seen a few reports of issues on Ubuntu go by (like the javac 
launcher missing from a run-time image that claims to have the 
jdk.compiler module) which hints to me that the bits in the Ubuntu 
openjdk-* packages have additional patches and/or they are processed by 
something that is changing the bits. I don't have cycles to dig into it 
so hopefully your bug report will help the maintainers to track it down.


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