Re[2]: Why service provider method is called "provider", but not "provide"?

Alex Orlov ooo_saturn7 at
Mon Nov 23 10:49:43 UTC 2020

To tell the truth I didn’t use ServiceLoader.Provider. Please, consider the following code:
module msg.service.provider.swing {
   provides service.api.AService with service.provider.TheServiceProvider;
public class TheServiceProvider {     
   public static AService provider() {
       return new AServiceImpl();   <-- This is a service instance.
ServiceLoader<AService> sl = ServiceLoader.load(AService.class);
Stream<ServiceLoader.Provider<AService>> stream =​();
Do I understand it correctly, that the instance (we have only one provider in this ex) of ServiceLoader.Provider will be created on the base of the information taken from TheServiceProvider.provider() method using reflection?
Best regards, Alex Orlov
>Понедельник, 23 ноября 2020, 11:47 +03:00 от Alan Bateman <alan.bateman at>:
>On 23/11/2020 08:28, Alex Orlov wrote:
>> I don’t agree with that. It returns the object that is an instance of the service.
>> The method returns an instance of the service provider.
>The enhancements to ServiceLoader in Java 9 were tracked as
>#ServiceLoaderEnhancements [1], the link to "Proposal" has a good
>summary of the update.

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