Portable retrieval of resource bundles across module path and class path

Gunnar Morling gunnar at hibernate.org
Tue Aug 31 08:24:22 UTC 2021

Hi all,

I've written a quick blog post about my experiences with
ResourceBundleProvider et al.:


 The scenario I'm describing is that of a "well-structured monolith", with
each module contributing its own resource bundle(s). It took a while to set
things up in a way working with Java 9+ (with module and with classpath)
and Java 8, but I've found my ways in the end.

Thanks again for all the feedback and input you provided!



Am Fr., 23. Juli 2021 um 21:14 Uhr schrieb Mandy Chung <
mandy.chung at oracle.com>:

> On 7/23/21 4:17 AM, Gunnar Morling wrote:
> Thanks a lot for your replies, Mandy and Alan!
> > I assume the class path is running on JDK <= 8, right?  Otherwise
> Is there something missing after "Otherwise"?
> It was a typo (I should have taken it out).
> In fact, I'm looking for a way to run this
> - Java 1.8 on classpath
> - Java 9+ on classpath
> - Java 9+ on module path
> As I've learned by now, ResourceBundleControlProvider implementations on
> Java 1.8 will only be loaded via the extension mechanism, which often is
> impractical to use. So it seems I'll need to amend my solution described
> above to pass in the custom Control explicitly to
> ResourceBundle.getBundle(). I could use the ResourceBundleControlProvider
> in a MR JAR, but there seems not much of an advantage to doing that.
> > For the migration scenario where the resources are in .properties format
> then the simplest may be to just deploy the JAR files on the module path
> where they will be treated as automatic modules.
> Right, this is indeed the simplest approach if the JAR file contain
> resource bundles in .properties format and no .class files in that
> package.  i.e. you can keep the resource bundles in `dev/morling/greeter`
> and deploy them as automatic modules.
> In the scenario I have in mind (for educational purposes mainly) the JAR
> files contain the properties file as well code and should be usable as
> "proper" (i.e. non-automatic) modules as well as on the classpath.
> It's common to have the resources packaged in separate JARs from the code
> and also an application includes all resources.   This educational purpose
> demo shows an advanced feature.
> > There are no split package issues unless the resources have been
> compiled as .class files.
> That's very interesting, it's not what I observe. Having the *.properties
> in one and the same package in multiple modules triggers an error upon
> start-up:
>     java.lang.LayerInstantiationException: Package dev.morling.greeter.fr
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://dev.morling.greeter.fr__;!!ACWV5N9M2RV99hQ!fILkGEkNjEpD7sQnRSKHS3M4qZY3lXvfXij2Q4XgaGa9P1mVdmrAFrdcvVKsPREq3A$>
> in both module dev.morling.greeter.german and module
> dev.morling.greeter.french
> this looks a little suspicious.   GreetingMessages_de.properties should be
> expected in dev.morling.greeter.
> Mandy

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