Should ClassLoader::getResouces return the same resource twice?

James Laskey james.laskey at
Sat Jan 2 13:09:01 UTC 2021

As an aside, creating a FileSystem is not an onerous task.


— Jim


> On Jan 2, 2021, at 8:59 AM, Thiago Henrique Hupner <thihup at> wrote:
> I guess a little context can make more things clear:
> The servlet spec requires that all jars from WEB-INF/lib
> be available to the same classloader.
> The resource, in particular, is "META-INF/web-fragment.xml"
> Each jar can contain its own. So, using getResources make sense
> in order of parsing each. However, what is happening is if I have two JARs
> each with its own META-INF/web-fragment.xml, using the ModuleReader
> it is returning four resources, so it parses more than it should and it
> fails
> to parse the same resource twice.
> I'll have a try only exposing the ".class" files in the ModuleReader,
> so the Loader will be able to create the classes and it will read the
> resources
> from the classloader.
> I'm using my own implementations of the ModuleReader, ModuleFinder
> and ModuleDescriptor because all of our resources are in memory I wasn't
> able to
> use the ModuleFinder.of() because it requires a filesystem.
>> Em sáb., 2 de jan. de 2021 às 04:07, Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at>
>> escreveu:
>>> On 02/01/2021 03:21, Thiago Henrique Hupner wrote:
>>> :
>>> I've created a simple example of what is occurring [1].
>>> I know there are behavior specific for getting a class if it is in a
>> module,
>>> but I don't know if this may be a bug in the resource loading mechanism.
>>> In the example, the returned values are different to illustrate, but in
>> my
>>> case, it
>>> returns two exact URLs for the same resource as the source for the module
>>> reader
>>> and the classloader is the same.
>> The behavior you observe with the example is correct.
>> ClassLoader.getResources locates the resource by searching the lass
>> loader delegation chain and in the example there are two "foo"
>> resources. The resource in module fake.module is located because it is
>> an automatic module that opens all its packages unconditionally. The
>> second resource is located by searching the parent class loader, a
>> URLClassLoader in the example that also locates "foo".  Which "foo" did
>> you expect to locate? If code in fake.module just wants to locate the
>> resource in its own module then it should use getResource rather than
>> getResources.
>> -Alan.

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