Portable retrieval of resource bundles across module path and class path
Alan Bateman
Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Fri Jul 23 19:00:02 UTC 2021
On 23/07/2021 18:23, Gunnar Morling wrote:
> :
> Yes, I'm quite sure, unless I'm doing something really stupid :)
> Here's the steps for reproducing:
> git clone git at github.com:gunnarmorling/resource-bundle-test.git
> git checkout split-package
> cd resource-bundle-test
> mvn clean install
> jar -tf german/target/resourceloading-test-german-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
> jar --describe-module --file
> german/target/resourceloading-test-german-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
> jar -tf shows the
> resource dev/morling/greeter/fr/GreetingMessages_de.properties, but
> jar --describe-module doesn't show the dev.morling.greeter.fr
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://dev.morling.greeter.fr__;!!ACWV5N9M2RV99hQ!ZsDR60jYeo7CYehNEbS2UYI9v6eZB3cBTI26zlcY57By1X_D-gbYqa-v_jrjFJJS9g$>
> package.
I wasn't able to duplicate this and don't immediately see how how this
project ends up with GreetingMessages_de.properties in
> > I think this discussion comes down to how the set of packages for an
> explicit module is determined.
> Agreed, and I think I got my answers. I'll try and do a quick blog
> post about this topic, I haven't seen much discussion of
> ResourceBundleProvider for instance.
ResourceBundleProvider is an advanced feature and most projects will
likely get by by including the resources with the application. It's only
when you separate them and wish to deploy the translations as modules
that you need to know about this feature.
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