Difference of module jdk.xml.dom and module jdk.zipfs

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Fri Mar 26 10:24:35 UTC 2021

On 26/03/2021 10:09, Christian Stein wrote:
> Thank you for the clarification, Alan.
> First, I fixed the problem as you suggested by adding
> --add-modules ALL-SYSTEM to the java command.
> It yielded warnings about incubator modules, though:
>   WARNING: Using incubator modules:
>   jdk.incubator.vector, jdk.incubator.foreign
I should have mentioned that, this arises because "ALL-SYSTEM" is all 
modules in the runtime image so it includes the incubating modules that 
aren't resolved by default.

> Next, I went with --add-modules ALL-DEFAULT
> That fixed the runtime issues with jdk.xml.dom
> Later that day, Jorn Vernee suggested another
> fix [1], that works (for Bach) also at runtime without
> using the --add-modules X at the command line.
> Basically, it puts a ModuleFinder.ofSystem() as
> the after component of the custom module layer
> Bach creates for running ToolProvider services.
That probably works in this case but it won't work in general because 
the standard (java.*) modules and many of the JDK-specific (jdk.*) 
modules cannot be mapped to class loader others than the boot and 
platform class loaders.


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