ModuleLayer.Controller strongly references Module

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Mon Nov 22 20:37:39 UTC 2021

On 22/11/2021 07:23, Michał Kłeczek wrote:
> Would it be too much to ask for accepting a patch adding a reference 
> to ML.Controller to ModuleLayer?
> It wouldn’t require changes to the spec I think as the lifetime of 
> ML.Controller is unspecified.
Assuming it's not exposed, and that there is no reference to the 
ML.Controller for the boot layer, then it might be okay but I think it 
would be useful to understand the use-case first. As I assume you know, 
the ML.Controller allows containers to do the equivalent of --add-reads, 
--add-exports, and --add-opens in child layers.  Since you want to 
retain the reference to the ML.Controller around then it may be some 
other reason, maybe opening packages to descendants beyond the child layer?


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